
A new magazine subscription? I think not………. It is in fact my birthday tho! 🙂

If I had to sum it up in one word I think it would have to be: “AWESOME” lol

First off, I woke up and had a couple guys from the band over to do some recording for our debut album to be released this winter. We were actually very productive which is a major plus. Usually when we get more than 2 people in the studio nothing ever gets done. We got the basic tracks for about 3-4 songs done. Not near finished but great progress for one day. After that we had some pizza then both of them had to leave. I decided to get my hair cut afterwards cuz it was gettin a little on the longer side….

After that we went to an italian restuarant for dinner. They were extremely busy and the service was not exactly perfect, but I understood. 😉 So then my grandma spoke up and told our waitress it was my birthday…..(Just so you know I don;t enjoy when they all come out clappin and singin and shit. its kind of embarassing) The rest of the night she kept apologizing to me cuz she forgot I didn’t like that. haha I forgive her tho. She was just havin some fun. So we came home and had some cake and all that. I opened my gifts and I’m pretty happy with the stuff i got.


-The Illusion of Progress by Staind

-The Fallout by Default

-The Sound of Madness by Shinedown


-250GB external HD

-Special plated snare pad

Some friends and neighbors of mine are throwing me a party this weekend down at my lakehouse so I’ll prolly get a couple more things, but overall I had a pretty kickass day. Thanks everyone for all the “Happy Birthdays” and whatnot.

One more year of:






Here’s to SEVENTEEN. Here’s to a great year!


~ by Davo on 11 October 2008.

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