
Alright, well it’s passed 1 AM and I “should’ve” been in bed a few hours ago because I do in fact have school tomorrow. It seems that I have, once again, wondered aimlessly into the vast land of Procrastination. This is a land of which I sit upon a high throne and spend most of my days pondering excuses and finding ways to postpone homework.

Ok, time to quit that analogy XD

Anyway, I’m just going to cut straight to the chase. You will see that the title coincides quite well with this paragraph, that is if you use your imagination a little. Basically, I’m not quite sure if my blog is being read by more than a few people. Why do I assume that? Well the only proof I really have of visitors is the hit counter on the side of the blog. I appreciate you guys taking time to read my stuff, and in no way am I complaining, but drop a comment every once in a while. Let me know what you think of the post, your insights, anything like that. Let me know that my time is not being wasted typing up long posts for only about 4 people to read. It sort of serves as my motivation to keep posting. I really don’t feel like posting anything anytime soon if i have a post that is like 8 paragraphs and a month old and virtually no comments.

And I don’t expect to get like 8 comments per post either. If ya like the post, tell me. If you agree with one of my rants, tell me etc. Most likely if you let me know what you think, chances are I’m gonna check out your latest entry and return the favor. Keep this ball a rollin’ 😛

I should be updating sometime within the next week on the start of school or whetever comes to mind when the time comes. Until then, take it easy.


~ by Davo on 3 September 2008.

2 Responses to “Testing…1..2..3…”

  1. I’m a major procrastinator too
    Stop sitting in my throne >.>

  2. I’d have a throne of procrastination but I haven’t gotten around to building it yet.

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